1:1 Individual Coaching Sessions


In Knowledge is Power, we will have a blast doing a healthy pantry & fridge makeover…finding replacements for some products with sneaky hidden ingredients.  You will become a detective as we go over healthy shopping guidelines for your new and healthy life.  We will take this sometimes, confusing information and simplify it into easy actionable steps.

It is finally time to feel good about what you are putting in your pantry AND your body!

Knowledge in food is a superpower!

  • Learn about food and ingredients…which to add in and which to avoid

  • Learn how to read between the lines on food labels and packaging

  • Learn healthy meal ideas and easy recipes to prepare

  • Swap out some foods which aren’t so great with healthy alternatives

Coaching and support to help you make dietary and lifestyle changes.


In Discover & Shine, we work on peeling back the layers to help you RE-discover what inspires and brings you joy.  We go on a journey together, allowing you to dig through visions, dreams, and goals that will not only create your future, but also your PRESENT!  Inspiration may sometimes lie dormant, but it NEVER disappears, we just have to bring it back into the light.

Our minds take us places even our bodies can’t.  Our thoughts create our reality.

  • Rediscover what inspires you & brings you joy

  • Create new visions for yourself

  • Learn how to let go of some thoughts that don’t serve you

  • Feel excited about your life and all the possibilities awaiting you

  • Customized action plan for your unique and beautiful life


In Healthy Habits = A Healthy Life, we not only look at the foods you eat but certain lifestyle choices and how they may be affecting your health.  Do you rely on coffee throughout your day and want to find an alternative?  Is an exercise program something you long to have but are having a hard time making it a part of your daily routine?  

This session provides you with KB Naturally’s deepest and best secrets on morning routines, sleep, meditation, snacking…you name it!  

All my tips to live as healthy as you can, day-to-day, with something as simple as a good habit.

  • Turn healthy behaviors into habits that last a lifetime

  • Hands on tools and tips for more energy, better sleep, self-care…etc.

  • Learn breathing exercises & guided meditations for a happy & peaceful life

  • Focus on your daily habits and how they are affecting your health

  • Make sure you’re in the driver’s seat of your emotions


Investment in your health:

One, 1 Hour Session $99.00    via phone call, in person, or video call

One, 90-Minute Session        $139.00  via phone call, in person, or video call