The Importance of Creating Our Own Sacred Space

How to Get Started

By Karen @ KB Naturally


For the man who prays from his heart,

the whole world is a church.

-Sylvain of Athos

 Our days are hectic and full of doing things for others. Either at work or home…and usually both. One of the best gifts you can give yourself is a place just for you. A small space to get quiet and recharge yourself (and no, I don’t mean the bathroom…you can’t hide in there forever!)

I lovingly encourage you to create your own special space. A sacred altar that invites you to get quiet, meditate, breathe, pray, and just be. A place for only you. So that even in your busy day, just walking by it or knowing it’s there can bring an instant calm to your inner being.

 I once read this article about Dolores Hope (Bob Hope’s wife), she lived to be 102 years old and she explained her philosophy: “I like being with people, but I also need to have my time alone. I think it’s terribly important to have some time during the day when you stop and take all the energy that you have given out and pull it back in, find the source of your energy. Then you work from there.”

I think Dolores and I could’ve been very good friends, because that describes me since I was a little girl. I didn’t just want…I needed to have quiet time. If there were times in my life that didn’t always allow for it my inner barometer always let me know. That was usually when I would feel impatient, overwhelmed, and just ‘off’.

 My altar was created during one of those such times. The kids were little, the tasks were large, and the days were long. I went away for a couple of days to gather myself and while walking on the beach I picked up a beautiful shell. Then stopping in a spiritual gift shop, I saw the perfect candle & little buddha statue. I put the things I gathered together on the hotel room nightstand and knew I had to create my own space at home. So, I didn’t necessarily have to always physically go away to gather myself…I would have my special space, a place to remind me of my center. Of course, getting away every once in a while, is something I would still always do for many reasons (that will be for another Blog post perhaps!).

 There are no rules as to what your sacred space should look like or how big or small it has to be. Get creative here! A little corner somewhere will do. Somewhere you can shut the door for some privacy perhaps.

 Some ideas to get started:

 ·     A candle

·     A picture

·     A quote

·     Incense

·     Access to some relaxing music

·     A statue of a deity

·     A spiritual book

·     A shell, stone, or crystal (or all)

·     Anything that has meaning to you

·     A small floor cushion for comfort


Then, just sit there, breathe deep, quiet your mind. Try your hand at meditation. Say thank you for all the goodness in your life. If you are struggling over something, ask for guidance. Again, there are no rules. If you want, just look at the flickering candle or pay attention to your breathing.

 When my daughter's were little, I even created this small wooden box that fit underneath their beds. It had some crystals, a mini buddha, a book, and a shell. Whenever the world got a little overwhelming for them, or their emotions were spilling out and it was confusing, I would give them a much-needed hug and encourage them to sit quiet with themselves. Now more than ever, with all the technology, it is so healthy for them to unplug and to not always have to be looking at a screen. To teach and mirror to our little ones how to reconnect to our souls is a lifetime gift they will have.

 We don’t always realize when our own adult selves become that overwhelmed, hyper emotional, and when life is just plain confusing…that we need to stop, get in touch with our inner child, and refocus and remember who we really are.

 Tell me…do you have an altar in your home?

Contact me for more info to help you get started on your health whatever way that may mean for you!
