Vegan Chocolate Walnut Brownies

With a Surprise Healthy Ingredient

By Karen @ KB Naturally

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What can I say about this amazing little brownie?! It is so delicious and it’s not only vegan, but it has an added healthy surprise that no one will even know is in there! Can you guess what the hidden gem is??  No, it’s not avocado…although that can work and is very nutritious too.  Not a banana…not a flax egg…okay, okay, I’ll tell you…it’s butternut squash! Veggies in dessert, I love it! And you will too. As I said, you won’t even know it’s in there which is great for the kiddo’s and picky eaters alike. Just let it be your little secret.

 Here are just some of the health benefits of Butternut Squash: (as always, I encourage you to do your research and discover the amazing healing benefits of foods…real foods!) Each bullet point here has much more extensive scientific information, but I figure…you’re here for the brownie recipe, right? So, maybe check out more details at another time. It’s always great to have more information.

 ·      High in antioxidants

·      Great for bones since it has manganese, magnesium, and calcium

·      High in fiber which is great for digestion

·      Loaded with B vitamins which has been shown to help with blood sugar levels

·      Dues to its vitamin C content, it’s good for your skin

·      Lots of vitamin A which is important for healthy eyesight


  As you can see, I am someone who gets straight to the recipe. I know for myself when I am looking up a recipe, truth be told, I scroll down to the ingredients and directions right away. I don’t look at all the step-by-step photos, I go right to the goods.


So here it is:

Prep Notes

Peel 1/2 of a small butternut squash and cut into cubes (around 1-2 inches) and put in a steamer basket over boiling water till soft and cooked through.  Put in a flat dish and mash well with a fork or potato masher (or puree if you prefer) You will need 1/2 cup.



1 cup of All-Purpose Unbleached Flour (Preferably Organic...and Gluten Free if you like)

1/4 cup of Oat Flour (Or you can just add in another 1/4cup of all-purpose flour if you don't have this)

1 cup of Coconut Sugar

1/4 cup of cacao powder

1/2 tsp baking powder

1/2 tsp salt

1 4oz. cup of unsweetened applesauce

1/2 cup steamed and mashed (or pureed) butternut squash

1/4 cup of melted dark chocolate (I used Enjoy Life brand)

1/4 cup avocado oil

1/4 cup boiled water

1/2 cup chocolate chips

1/4 cup chopped walnuts



1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Line an 8 x 8 pan with parchment paper.  (After it's cool, it lifts out so easy and is easy to clean too!)

2. In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, sugar, cacao, salt, and baking powder together and then form a well in the middle.

3. Pour in the applesauce, mashed butternut squash, melted chocolate, and avocado oil into the dry ingredients and mix well.

4. Add the boiling water and stir batter till completely mixed.

5. Gently fold in the chocolate chips and nuts.

6. Pour batter into the pan and bake for 35-40 minutes.  (Check at the 35-minute mark with a toothpick)

7. Let cool in the pan before cutting.

8. Eat and enjoy!

I’d love to hear if you make these brownies…


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