10 Easy Tips to Recharge Our Lives…and 10 Tips for our Children too!

By Karen @ KB Naturally


“Just living is not enough...one must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower.”

-Hans Christian Anderson

When I go on some early morning walks, I make it a point to keep my head forward and even looking up at the tress (when I can of course).  Just like the plant that careens itself towards the sunlight, when the sun is shining, I stop for a moment, lift my head up toward the light, close my eyes, and breathe it all in...in all its wonderful healing glory.  It is our nature to want and need fresh air and sunshine.  The sun is a powerful source that recharges us.  But what are some other things that recharge our souls?  If you really pay attention, you will know what or who drains your energy and leaves you feeling empty and you will know what and who feels good and lifts you up.  Since we are the protectors and bodyguards of our energy, we have to honor the fact that sometimes we need to step away from the drains or fix what we can and then discover what fills us back up.  We need to recharge our lives.

Just like with our cellphones, certain things drain the battery quicker and we just have to plug the phone in to recharge it.  Well, we are like that too in a way...we all need to recharge our own batteries (ironically though, at those times, we actually need to step away from our cellphones and electronic gadgets, since they are major energy zappers!).  Be an observer of your life and take inventory of what is draining you and what fills you.
Grab some sun and air, get some good, deep sleep, and have some freakin' fun!!  Oh, and go buy yourself some flowers.  These are all things that help lift us up and feel good.  I mean we all just want to feel good, right?!


Ten Easy Tips to Recharge Our Lives:


1.Have less sugar and caffeine...it's not that hard. (and please, eliminate artificial sweeteners all together…they are pure chemicals and drain the body!)

2. Get quiet--take some time to yourself, and yes, I am going to add in... try meditating!

3. Get active...do anything! Jump, hop, skip, dance, go on a hike...you get the idea.

4. Take a day for yourself.  Get in the car and drive to a nice town…take yourself out to lunch and go for a walk…maybe even buy yourself a gift. 

5. Shut off and step away from your electronic gadgets! Resist the urge to constantly check your phone.  This is a big one folks.  Think about all your precious life and time spent scrolling about what other people are doing…live your own life!

6. Go do something special for yourself...make it fun.  Try a new craft or hobby.  And…volunteer and do something special for somebody else too!

7. Make sure you are getting enough Vitamin D…best source is from the sun, but we usually need more

8. Make a couple of days (or even a week) 'meat-free'.  Too much meat can lead to low energy and it is good to give your body a break sometimes

9. Drink more water/Eat more veggies (okay, so this is two in one)

10. That magical place you go at night...deep, quality, sound sleep...there's nothing like it.

Recharging the Little Souls 

This world can be very stimulating to a little child.  So much information is being thrown their way...at school, on the television, on the computer.  If we teach them at a young age how to rejuvenate their souls, they will recognize and be able to express it themselves.  What a beautiful and necessary gift to give our children.  Just like us adults, we all process things differently, so allow them to honor who they are and discover their truth. 
I instinctively knew at a young age that I needed my quiet time.  I came from a large family, and while we mostly were outside all day playing on the block, at some point I would also just go in my room and draw and take some time to myself. It also wasn't unusual for me to go to bed early on my own, without any prodding from my parents. I guess it was another way to recharge myself and honor that I needed my time.

Pay attention to your own children, they will usually reveal what they need.  Encourage them to listen to and respect their inner voice.

10 Easy Tips for Our Children

1. This is a BIG one...Shut off and step far away from the computers and any electronic gadgets

2. Get quiet and cuddle

3. Story time

4. Run, jump, play...preferably outside…have a dance party

5. Giggle and laugh

6. Drink water/eat veggies (I just had to add this)

7. Clean their room with them and have them notice how 'good' it makes them feel afterwards

8. Play a board game or teach them a card game

9. Craft time...Yay!!

10. Great night sleep (again, no electronics in bed...it actually has a stimulating effect)


We all need to take a break and recharge our lives.  We will come back more refreshed and feeling great.  And after all, feeling great and healthy is what life is all about!

 Does going in your basement cause your energy to drop because of all the junk you’ve accumulated?  It did for me recently and little by little I am clearing out everything I don’t want and organizing what’s left.  It is a work in progress, but it feels so good to get going.  Notice what drains you around your home.  Is a closet bulging…is that junk drawer out of control?  You always want to feel good and comfortable at home.  Make sure it’s a sanction for you.  Take little bites at a time and clear out those energy drains, it’ll feel so good! 


What are some things you like to do to feel better?

What are some things that are draining your energy?

What can you do to shift yourself?


List some action steps for yourself and remember your goal is to feel good!


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