Top 10 Ways to Increase Your Energy!

Easy Tips to Live More Vibrantly and Have More Energy

By Karen @ KB Naturally


No matter what stage of life we are in, sometimes we just get tired. It can be for a number of reasons:

A stressful job, a draining relationship, having young children, being a worrier, caring for elderly parents…the list goes on and on. Not getting on top of it and paying attention to the stressors in our lives can cause us to get run down. Which then can compromise our immune systems. It’s not a great cycle to get caught up in…but, there are changes we can make which will positively affect our energy levels and our health.

 I used to think it was normal to get tired around 3:00pm. That’s usually when you reach for that other cup of coffee, or an unhealthy snack. While it’s normal to get tired sometimes, if you are a healthy person, you may just need some new habits to gain some vigor back into your life. I traded in that 3:00 slump and feel more energized now than ever.

 If you are very lethargic it’s always good to go for some bloodwork to be sure all your levels are in order. You may need a supplement or two to assist you as well.

 Overall, we want to be sure that what we put in our bodies is real, unprocessed, healthy food and drinks. No soda or diet soda, no artificial sweeteners, no excess caffeine, no candy bars. These may give you an instant burst of energy, but you will soon drop off quickly and be all the worse afterwards. It becomes an unhealthy cycle which we definitely want to convert to healthy lifestyle habits. It’s so worth it in the long run.

 It may seem obvious but getting good quality sleep is imperative to not only your energy levels throughout your day but also your overall health. What are your sleep habits like? Do you think it’s normal to wake up every night? Recently, I noticed I was in a bad sleep cycle and realized I was doing a lot of research on my laptop at night before bed (never in bed though!) It definitely was affecting my sleep. So, I gave myself a cut off point with my computer time and am noticing a big difference. Cutting back on all screen time at least an hour before bed (even more is better) is a great habit for your sleep and your health.

 So, here are some great tips to help you gain your energy levels back. After all, we are all meant to live vibrant, and energetic lives. Start incorporating these changes little by little and reap the benefits of a healthy life!

Top 10 Ways to Increase Your Energy

1.Wake up earlier than needed to start your day off right…thank your body for being strong, healthy, and full of energy today.

·      Spend a little time doing deep breathing exercises

·      Set your positive intentions for the day ahead

·      And smile a really big smile…it feels good!

2. Eliminate or decrease dramatically your sugar intake/switch over to gentler sweets

·      NO artificial sweeteners…EVER!

·      Have fruit

·      If you use sugar in your beverages, slowly begin decreasing the amount you use

·      If you feel like you need a little pick me up…try a cup of green tea or a piece of dark chocolate

3. Make a super nutritious smoothie…chock full of healthy goodness

·      Be sure to use a quality protein powder

·      Add in some additional nutritional products for even more benefits

4. Exercise in some way, shape or form

·      Walk, hop, skip, or jump…you get the idea, just get moving!

·      Little by little add more into your schedule

·      Lift some weights if you can

5. Drink more water and hydrate your cells

·      We NEED water…period!

·      Also add in some good quality electrolytes to replenish needed minerals

6. Evaluate the amount of animal food you eat

·      Since eating a lot of animal protein is harder to digest, it can make us sluggish

·      So, start adding in some plant-based meals for the week

·      Allocate certain days as your ‘no meat’ days

7. Eat whole, real foods and lots of fruits & vegetables…preferably organic

·      Read my Blog Post on buying organic

·      Fruits & vegetables from the earth have amazing energizing properties

8. Pay attention to what drains your energy in a day & make some changes

·      Could be a relationship or a job

·      Scrolling through social media too much and especially at night before bed (effects sleep patterns)

·      A messy house can drain your energy as well

·      Notice how you feel at certain times within your day

9. Get outdoors at some point and breathe in some fresh air

·      Take your shoes off and ground your feet to the earth

·      Close your eyes and tilt your head up to the energizing sun…deep breathing!

·      If the weather is bad and you can’t get out, open a window and get some fresh air that way

10. At night when you get into bed, thank & bless your body for all it did for you that day.

·      Be grateful for at least three things that happened to you 

·      Get a good night sleep (no phone in room and wifi shut off)

·      Say an extra thank you for healing your body while you sleep

 Bonus Tip!  Don’t forget to laugh and have fun!


For me personally, I have my cycles when I’m not sleeping the best or some days when I feel a little tired.

Do I sometimes go for some chocolate? Yes. But it’s a good quality dark chocolate.

Do I love a glass of iced tea in the afternoon? You betcha! But if I am not sleeping well, I look at my habits and cut back.

Do I drink a lot of water? Yes. But sometimes I may need more.

The running theme here is that I pay attention to my life and my daily habits and I make the necessary changes when I need to. We have to be our own advocates for our bodies.

Which of these habits will you start making?

Please check out all the ways I can assist you to bring overall health and wellness into your life.




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