Everyone is an Artist...8 Questions to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing

By Karen @ KB Naturally


"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'"            

~Erma Bombeck

Lately, I have been called to look at creativity and what that means for each of us.  Over the years, I have heard many people say...'I am not creative at all, I can't even draw a straight line'.  But creativity comes in many different forms and packages, it is not exclusive to being an artist that can draw, paint, or sculpt.  

It is my belief that we are all sent here, preprogrammed if you will, with all our God given gifts and talents.  It is our gift back to the world and our responsibility to use and share these gifts. When we deny our talents and gifts, (and by deny, I mean, aren't using them or undermining their value) we are denying a part of ourselves, and oftentimes we feel like 'something is missing' from our lives.  Maybe what’s missing are our unfulfilled talents and our souls calling out to us to actualize them.

So, what are your gifts and talents? What are the things that come so natural to you that you may even take them for granted?  What sparks something within you when you are devoting time to it?

Do you write well...Can you bake a helluva lemon meringue pie...Can you decorate a room with ease...Do you have a special eye for photography...Are you an incredible listener…are you a natural at planning events and activities…do you love to sing…the list goes on and on.  And each one is a gift unto itself.

 Everyone is creative and has something they are good at…If you aren't sure what your talents are, I’m going to ask you to carve out some time and really think about it. Get quiet and reconnect to that part of yourself.  Sometimes reflecting back to our childhood and remembering what we loved to do can be a great help in reconnecting to that part of ourselves. 

Take a piece of paper and answer these questions:

8 Questions to get your creative juices flowing:

 1.  What activity brings me pure joy?

2.  What hobby do I love to do?

3.  What do I think my talents are?

4.  What have I always been naturally good at that doesn’t necessarily seem like a talent to me?

5.  How can I support myself and my creativity?

6.  Are my gifts and talents something I like to just share with my friends and family, or can I launch it into making some money as well?

7.  Am I ready to own my creative gifts and be grateful for them?

8.  What 3 action steps can I take to move towards my creativity?

 You can also ask your family or some close friends what they think your talents are (you’re only allowed to ask positive, loving, and supportive people here!) If you need some inspirational ideas, check out Pinterest or take a trip to a near by craft shop and look around.  Be open to the possibilities.

 Then...go do it…or start something new you’ve always longed to do.  You may have some dormant talents that you haven’t even tapped into yet.  It’s NEVER too late to start…and now is always a good time!  I encourage you to take your talents and gifts to the next level.

Have you always wanted to learn how to knit or embroider?

What about cake decorating?

Do you keep a book of poems or songs you wrote?

Do you think you would be great at acting?

And yes, maybe even an art class…or calligraphy!


As Mary Oliver so profoundly wrote:

‘Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?’

 Have fun, create, and share your gifts with the world.

Karen Benedetto1 Comment