Top 5 Ways to Build a Strong Immune System

Simple Tips to a Healthier You

By Karen @ KB Naturally

Strong Immune System

“If we don’t take care of our body,

where are we going to live?”


I am a firm believer that we have a large hand in creating our own health.  Now, more than ever, we have to do whatever we can to keep our immune systems strong, healthy, and robust!  While there are numerous things I do on a daily basis to aide my immune system (no really, my list is quite long!) these are some simple doable tips you can start incorporating into your life. And even though I do have a lot of different things I do…I don’t do all of them every single day.  I have some steady things I do regularly but others I switch up.  I challenge you to add to this list and keep educating yourself and seeing what works best for you and your body.


We were given this amazing, beautiful gift and it is our responsibility to treat it with all the love and care it deserves. It works so tirelessly for us every moment of every day; it seems only right to say ‘thank you’ to it by feeding it well, exercising it, loving it, getting some sound sleep, and being its biggest advocate. 



1.    Eat as clean and organic as you possibly can…this means the least amount of processed foods possible.


·      Because a lot of processed foods have so many chemicals which are foreign substances to the body…your body is having to work extra hard at eliminating the toxins, which in turn weakens your body and your immune system.  If you are buying a processed type food, make sure you look at the ingredient list. The less ingredients the better and educate yourself on which ingredients to avoid altogether


·      This is also why buying organic is best because the same is true for all the pesticides that the food is sprayed and treated with


·      Educate yourself on the dangers of GMO (genetically modified organisms)


·      Just remember Chemicals + Artificial = Bad for the body


2.    Eliminate and or decrease your sugar intake dramatically …and avoid artificial sweeteners like the plague!


·      LIKE THE PLAGUE! Artificial sweeteners are all chemicals!

·      They drain and weaken the body

·      If you take two spoons of sugar in your coffee or tea, start slowly decreasing the amount

·      If you use white sugar, try substituting with coconut sugar or a healthier alternative


3.    Buy a good quality *Vitamin C powder…and put it in your water or juice first thing in the morning


·      Make sure they don’t have unnecessary fillers or coloring

·      Also, no fillers or colors if you opt for a pill form instead

·      Any supplements you buy should be high quality…your body only deserves the best!



4.    Get a good night sleep…this is imperative, as a lack of the zzz’s can cause you to get run down and cause a myriad of issues.  There is nothing like a good night’s sleep. 


·      Leave your cell phone in another room

·      If it needs to be in your room, place it on ‘airport mode’ and don’t leave it near your body or your head, (don’t leave it on the bed, or night able)

·      Make sure your room is dark

·      No television

·      When you put your head on your pillow reflect on 3 things you were grateful for that day and say a blessing over your body for a good night’s sleep



5.    Get moving... and get outdoors as much as you can for some necessary Vitamin D


·      Exercise

·      Walk/Hike

·      Dance

·      Walk barefoot on earths soil, grass, or sand (it’s called earthing…try it, it feels good!)

·      Jump on a rebounder/mini trampoline…it has so many health benefits


Strong Immune System



As I said, these are just a few of the things you can do to assist your immune system in staying strong.  There are plenty of other things as well. But if you are just getting going, start small and add different aspects as you go.  Even something as simple as going for a brisk walk, keeping flowers in the house, watching a funny movie or show, can all have a positive impact on our health.  Bring positivity in and see how your life improves. 


What is something you do for your body’s health?

Which things on this list can you do for yourself?

What will you start to do this week?


All my blessings to you!


*Always consult with your physician before starting any supplements. 

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