The Magic of Intention Setting

Easy Tips and Ideas to Always Set Intentions for Your Wonderful Life

By Karen @ KB Naturally

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"Sometimes you need to let go of the person

you think you are,

in order to become the person, you are meant to be." 

-author unknown


Most of us think setting intentions only takes place once a year, around New Year’s Day…but at other times in our lives, different things come up to teach us lessons Checking in with ourselves periodically is a good habit to acquire. Spending some alone time and asking some key questions which pertain to your life:

How are my personal relationships going?

Has my exercise routine been advancing?

Have I kept up my spiritual practice?

Did some of the things I wanted to accomplish fall to the side? Are they still even important to me?

How am I doing with shifting those habits that don’t serve me?

This is NOT in any way to make ourselves feel bad. Sometimes there are extenuating circumstances that derail some plans or goals. And sometimes they just shift and change, and that’s okay. It’s good to remember however, that progress is progress, even if it feels only slight. Most shifts and changes (the really lasting ones anyway) take a gradual growing over time. Reminding ourselves we are doing things differently now and we are better than we used to be. No trash talking allowed! Big changes do not always require big leaps. Although, depending on the situation, sometimes a drastic shake up is good. Just remember, permanent change is more likely to happen gradually.

"Courage is not always the load roar, but in the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, 'I will try again tomorrow'."

Intention Setting & Action Steps

I am sure most of you are aware of the importance of setting clear and positive intentions. To not focus on the negative of a desired change, but to reflect the words in a current and positive flowing energy that propels us forward.
An example would be:

Instead of...'I want to lose weight'...shift to...'I am in the best shape and health I have ever been in!'  Then you will find yourself moving in that direction, perhaps eating better and starting an exercise routine. It’s very empowering (and way more positive)!
The idea is to look at the areas in your life you would like to improve and change, set your intentions, and then list out the ways you can achieve it...those are your personal action steps. We won’t get anywhere without these action steps! Positive thinking and speech are an important start but moving on these steps lets the universe know you mean business.

 Schedule yourself in your calendar and set some time to really sit and reflect on your goals. Get quiet, light a candle, have a pad and pen ready.  Do this for yourself.  Make the goals achievable and know that you can add to them all year long, not only at the onset of a new year

Tips to Turn Your Intentions into Reality

 1Write down your intentions and keep them in a visible place, like taped to your bedroom mirror or by your bedside to read before you go to sleep each night. Or even in a small notebook you keep with yourself throughout the day (especially in the beginning). When writing them, be as specific and detailed as you can and write them in the present tense (as if you have already achieved them).  For example:  'I feel so great exercising. My arms are toned, I am at my ideal weight of ___lbs (you fill in the blank) and I have so much more energy.'

2Be truthful and get to the source of whatever is keeping you in a rut.  Are you in a stressful relationship that causes you to eat a pint of Ben & Jerry's every night?  Are you in a routine of staying up too late at night and not being able to get up early to exercise or meditate?  Are you too stressed at your job and resort to eating unhealthy food at lunch and when you get home? If you don't get to the root of the behavior pattern it will be harder to accomplish your goal. Remembering that truthfulness can be harsh but never mean!

3. Be very clear about what your life would look and feel like once you achieve this goal. If you want to get a healthy relationship around your finances, how will having a better attitude about money feel for you?  If you break out in sweats when making a purchase or writing out your monthly bills, how do you want that to really be for you now? Can you incorporate a positive experience around this? Close your eyes when doing this part to really connect to the feeling and the visualization of your intention.  This is what really gives your goal its power, the extra juice it needs to come to fruition. Because as Napolean Hill said, "What the mind can conceive, it can achieve".  

 Sometimes We Need Help... 

 Sometimes we can't separate from ourselves enough to really look at and get truthful about the areas that aren't really working in our lives. That is when you might consider hiring someone to help you with your goals and the breaking down of your appropriate action steps. As a certified health coach, I will support you in targeting your personal goals and clearing the path to get the life you've always wanted...all in a safe and loving environment. Accountability is an element in the taking action.

We often put money into our wardrobe, our cars, and in our homes but the worthiest of investments is in ourselves. Feeling good physically, mentally, spiritually, and emotionally allows us to move in immeasurable ways in all of the areas of our lives and thus, enables us to share our gifts with the world. After all, feeling good and shining our light is what’s most important.

What are some of your personal intentions and wishes for yourself?

What action steps can you take to start making them a reality?






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