Five Simple Ideas to Have More Fun

Easy Tips and Ideas to Spark your Inner Joy

By Karen @ KB Naturally


“I am going to keep having fun everyday…because there is no other way of life. You just have to decide whether you are a Tigger or an Eeyore.”

-Randy Pausch

I read I read something recently about ‘eating less and playing more’ and it got me thinking about my childhood and how when we were young it was natural for us to go outside and play all day.  We were never told to get outside and play…It was our nature to have fun.  The neighborhood kids got so wrapped up in creating games, running, or starting a game of kickball that we got lost in the 'play' mode and weren't thinking about snacks or eating. If we went in for lunch, we couldn't wait to finish (and sometimes we wouldn't) just so we could get back outside and finish that game of hide and seek!  Don't get me wrong, by the end of the day, with tons of fresh air in our lungs and boundless amounts of physical activity disguised as play, we were ready to go in and eat a good, home-cooked meal.  But food was secondary, and our primary form of nourishment was to play, be outside, and have fun.  We've all experienced, at some point, being so wrapped up in an activity or a project that we get lost in it, and our 'need' for food lessens.  We are full, not from food, but from that unmistakable joyous inner feeling.

Of course, times are quite different now than it was when I was a child.  Technology has taken over our lives.  We didn’t have the addiction of having to check our phones every five minutes.  We lived in the moment.  Young children today have way more screen time than fresh-air, time.  We shouldn’t have to beg our kids to play outside.  Less exercise and play for our children and ourselves means less good health and more weight gain.  People are more stressed out than ever and sitting in front of computers or phones all day only adds to the stress.

It may not be surprising that if we are in an unfulfilling job or relationship, we then may look to food to fill the gaps.  So, the moral of the story is to get energized by what moves you; look to rediscover what brings you joy.  Let the inner child in you remind you how to have more fun. Do things that you feel passionate about.  It will have an impact on all the areas in your life.

Unfortunately, as adults our instinct to play can sometimes be taken over by our busy lives.  While it may get away from us, it is not gone.  I am challenging you to get in touch with that part of yourself again.  With so much serious life stuff going on in this universe the world could use us to lighten up a bit, and when we give ourselves permission to not be so serious, we are rippling out to others to do the same.  It's okay if we have to schedule it in... but schedule it in we must!  And I don't mean once a year on a vacation, I mean often.  It doesn't have to be elaborate or expensive, just something that makes you smile and lights up your soul and feels great!  I know for me, being out in nature near trees or the ocean is just some of the things which fills me up and is nourishing to my body, my mind, and my soul...that magical trio.  

Fun is universal and ageless.  You do not have to only be a child to experience it, it is ours for the taking, and since we were all once children, we have the innate ability to jump right in.  It is never forgotten, it may just need to be dusted off and brought back out into the light.

5    Simple ideas to get out and Have More Fun:

  1. Find a local arboretum or garden that you can explore

  • Pack a picnic lunch

  •  Bring a frisbee/a jump rope/an outdoor game

  •  If you are going alone take a book or a journal

  •  Go hug a tree

 2. Check out a state park in your area

  • Look up some local hikes in your area, grab a friend, and get hiking

  • If you live near a body of water (beach or lake) get barefoot and dig your feet in the sand

  • Waterfalls are magical…find one and breathe in all the goodness

 3. Dust off your bicycle, put some air in the tires and go for a ride

  • Preferably on a path

  • If you don’t have a bike, look up a bike tour in your area that rents them as well as offers fun excursions

 4. Look into a new activity or sport you’ve always wanted to try

  • Tennis or Pickle Ball

  • Go to a hobby/craft store and pick something you’ve always wanted to try

  • Hit some golf balls at the driving range

  • Try jumping on a trampoline…it has so many health benefits!

 5. Find a nearby playground

  • Go for a ride on the swings it’ll bring out your inner child and I guarantee it’ll make you smile! 

  • Bring your children or your nieces and nephews and be fully present with them.  Leave your phone in the car or better yet, don’t bring it at all.

  • Bring some chalk and play hopscotch

  • Pack a picnic and bring some bubbles


Need some more help to help spark your inner joy and fun?

Grab a pen and paper.
Here are my questions to you:

What brings you joy?

What excites you and makes you smile, or better yet…laugh?

What fires you up?

What did you love to do when you were a child?

What would you do if you weren’t so busy?

Grab a friend, your partner, or your kids, (or what the hell…invite them all…and go have some fun! 

We all need some fun.

A game of kickball anyone?


Go grab my Free Joy Generator on my website, it’ll help you discover ways to bring more joy and fun into your life!


Karen BenedettoComment